Dear reader. Hope your weekday will be good than last week!
Please look forward in many ways :)
Building : Hisa - Hus Pa Landet
FANATIK: Teleporter Tree Stump Summer
Credit @ Simply Shelby
Spring Fairy Tree (full linked vrs - touch resize)
Wildflower Field -Hot Pinks
Credit @ Raindale April Group Gift
Raindale - magic sparkles (rotate on touch)
Raindale - Forest crossway - signpost (gift edition)
Raindale - Wonderland mushroom with fireflies (gift edition)
Raindale - Wonderland mushroom 1 (gift edition)
Other items
HPMD* Dirt Road/curve - brown
Hayabusa Design - Piece of Forest 3, M1-1 16*16
Harmony Wild Dandelions - SHORT - circle - AB - C/M
Harmony Moon Lily - V.Tall - White - circle - AB - C/M
Thank you so much for coming to my blog.
I hope my blog post would help for your Secondlife!