Dear reader. Hope your happy Thursday 👆
i would like to share with you Dreamland Design's previous released furniture item.
Hope you like and visit to main store.
My fav item is "Lunar Window". Together with curtain and scnery frame.
so you can put together or just put frame or cutrain only. its your choise!
DD Lunar Draped Window- Beige Curtains
DD Lunar Draped Window- Rose Curtains
DD Kayla Boho Chair Set Collection Adult
DD Kayla Boho Chair-Adult
DD Kayla Area Rug
DD Kayla Boho Plant Pot
DD Kayla Boho Sidetable
DD Kayla Spool Console Table Set
DD Kayla Spool Console Table
DD kayla Bookstack Planter Decor
DD Kayla Ficus Planter
DD Kayla Planter
DD Kayla Modern Print Frame
DD Genua Coffee Table Set
DD Genua Coffee Table
DD Genua Flower Pot
DD Genua Cactus Plant
DD Genua Bookstack
DD Genua Fringed Rug
DD Genua House Plant Set
DD Genua House Plant Stand
DD Genua House Plant Wood Stand
DD Genua House Plant
DD Genua Sleeper Couch Set-Adult
DD Genua Sleeper Couch-Adult
DD Genua Area Rug
DD Genua Canvas L
DD Genua Canvas R
Recenly i have been stay other communication game that like Secondlife.
Just my opinion but for sure Secondlife is complicate than other communication game in many ways.
Secondlife is not like just a game. we need some computer knowlege
and i have been for 15 years in SL. I feel even honored that i am in Secondlife lol
The other word say, Secondlife is more versatile and i am happy SL is like that.
if more easy game, i would be get bored more early time.
Thank you so much for visiting to my blog.
Enjoy your Secondlife!