Beautiful day


Dear reader. Hope your weekday will be good than last week :) 

I really enjoying the shopping on every weekend. and i hope to you too :) 
How much I have items in inventory, my desire never get enough :D 
oh boy! 

Credit @ Sway's
Sway's [Gen] Sign Board with Plants . Shabby
*4 shabby textures, 7 chalkboard options, 5 flowerpot colors, 7 Tulip and 5 Primrose options

Credit @  Galland Homes in Uber Hometown (End date : March 16th)
Pool : Savannah Pool by Galland Homes

"Basin Outdoor Bed Set"
DD Basin Outdoor Surround
DD Basin Outdoor Bed-Adult 1
DD Rocky Fountain/Touch For Sound 
DD Old Olive Tree Planter

Credit @ Little branch 

<Aphrodite>  Floating Bar  (v1.1)

Rock : :Fanatik Architecture: BEACH ROCKS Barrier Convex

Enjoy and have fun :) 
Thank you so much for coming to my blog. 
