Dear reader. wish your Valentine Friday will be lovely day 👄💓
I bought some chocolate to my husband. Japanes culture, We have a habbit the gift from woman to guy.
and most of the time, the gift is chocolate. (I think it is the same for all of the world? )
So if you are a guy and you dont like the sweet food, your gf will be hard to choose the gift.
im happy my husband loves sweet food :D
Credit@Raindale in We Love Roleplay (current round close on 28th Feb)
Raindale - Whimsynook fairy hut (teal, small decor, phantom)
Raindale - Whimsynook fairy hut (teal, small decor, phantom)
Raindale - Emberleaf tree (fantasy promo, PBR)
Credit @ Hisa
-Hisa- Snow Grass and Bushes (Marketplace)
Post : BALACLAVA!! Love Letter Mailbox by BALACLAVA!!
Tree : LB_CypressOak.v1{Animated}4Seasons by Little branch
Waterfall : HPMD* Small Waterfall Parts by HPMD
Cliff : HPMD* Tall Cliff - winter by HPMD
Pathway : Heart - Crazy Paving Pathway Kit - Snowy - V2 by Heart Garden
Thank you so much for your visiting to my blog.
Enjoy and have fun your Valentine in SL and in RL both!